You're gonna be a shinin' star
Fancy clothes and fancy cars
And then you'll see you're gonna go far
Cause everyone knows just who you are
I figured it was appropriate to start my sophomore year flashback post with one of my fav songs from sophomore year. Yeah, I know it's weird for someone who wears cardigans every day and loves monograms and OPI's "Isn't It Romantic?" to also love TI as much as I do, but whatev. With GRADUATION only
18 days away, I figured it was appropriate to relive sophomore year in photos... enjoy.
Trusty HOSE leaders out at the houses after orientation
Our first Mallard Ball! Probably my one of my fav ADPi parties ever.
The year Emily was the lion for Bid Day... her red hair just blended right in with that Lion suit!! Good times.
Ohhh, Biker's Ball...
This diamond fam has always loved a good tier pic at functions... sophomore semi!
At the townhouses before the infamous Buffett Bash.
(That time I thought I could pull off the braid) Getting ready to go out for...
Emily and Nancy's birthdays, where, not surprisingly, Nancy demonstrated her love for karaoke and made some of the "regulars" mad by stealing the stage the ENTIRE night.
And, of course, who can forget the time that all of my best friends went to IRELAND for Maymester?!
(They all hated me that day for bringing that umbrella on our tour of the castle, which, in retrospect, was probably a little big and obnoxious and in everyone's way. But that cute blue spring coat does not have a hood!)
Sophomore year was probably, definitely, our most eventful year at PC. Not pictured are the vampire pictures (you're welcome, Nance!), ADPi's and Polo Guys (you're welcome, everyone) and the Miyabi's birthday pictures (you're welcome, Emily.) Sophomore year was mine and Megan's first year as roomies in CLINTON, which means that it was also the year that our room was infested with spiders so large that even Megan could see them without her contacts in! (Which, if you know Megan, is saying a LOT.) Sophomore year was the year that we all got little sisters in ADPi...

... and made quality crafts, such as the one pictured above. (Thanks, Nance!) It was the year that most of our pledge class lived on one floor, which always made for interesting times. It was the year that Nancy got her car stuck on top of the fire hydrant and had to get a bulldozer to pull her off of it. It was the year that the majority of my friend group made at least one visit to the ER in good old Laurens (hives, broken bones, etc... never again.) It was the year that someone mistakenly put some of Nancy and I in charge of directing the RMH Fun Run, and we accidentally added like 1.8 extra miles by directing the runners in the wrong direction. Oops. But for real, sophomore year was so much fun, and pictures like this one
will always make me miss that year and PC!