So, I started a blog. I figured that my life is just too exciting not to have one... not. There are about 5 people who I feel like are going to read this, and they are all related to me except for Callie. But anyway, I just felt the need to document the exciting events of my senior year. On Monday, Megan and I started off our senior year with a bang...

I fractured my left foot. Or tore some part of some bone off or something. I still don't really understand what happened. Anyway, Megan, being the awesome friend and roommate that she is, took me to the emergency room because I couldn't walk on my left foot. As someone who's only ever been to an ER like one time, I had no clue what I was in for. We figured it would be a pretty easy trip. We were very wrong. I've decided to share some of the joy of our experience with you here...
8:00- Megan and I leave to go to the ER
8:32- I hop into the emergency room on one foot and check in. Did I look ridiculous doing this? Yes. Was I the most ridiculous looking person in there? No. At that point, the award went to the mother wearing Family Guy PJ pants and a lacy cami.
8:41- Text from me to Megan: "I'm afraid that lady across from us is going to vom."
9:30- Still waiting to go back. Pajama Mom leaves and returns 20 minutes later with McDonalds. Had I known at that point how long this little trip was going to be, I would have asked her to get me a McFlurry.
9:38- They finally called me back. And by "back", I just mean that little room where they take your temperature and ask you what's wrong.
9:45- They call me back for an x-ray. I attempt to hop down the hall, and the nurse feels sorry for me and gets me a wheelchair.
9:58- Text from Megan (who stayed in the waiting room): "I wish you were here to see what just walked in... barefoot and braless"
Don't worry, once I was wheeled back to the waiting room, I got to sit next to Barefoot and Braless for the next 3 hours. As she coughed all over me and complained to her husband/ boyfriend(?) that she might throw up. But, then, they started making out. In the emergency room.
10:08- Text from Megan: "We are now officially missing NJ Housewives. This is a problem."
*I should note that we were texting about this because I was now sitting across the room from Megan because the nurse wheeled me to a different spot. And put the brakes on my wheelchair. Unfortunately, my new spot was right beside the bathroom. Which was not only the bathroom for the waiting room, but also the one where people kept having to go to pee in a cup.
10:19- Text from me to Megan: "Someone is going to trip over this wheelchair and spill their pee on me"
10:30- Still waiting. Goal: to get back to PC by midnight.
11:30- Still waiting. Megan tries to go get Skittles from the vending machine and FAILS because it only took exact change. More pee. Goal: back to PC by 1:00.
12:05- Megan tries to go get Skittles again, and the machine takes her money but doesn't deliver skittles. This is the point where I would say this stopped being funny. This is also the point where we wished we had brought snacks.
12:45- Megan is finally successful at getting candy from that freaking vending machine. Still in the waiting room.
1:15- Still in the waiting room. I begin to question the definition of "emergency" and what it means to me and those around me.
1:30- They finally call me back, excuse me- wheel me back, to a curtained room. Megan goes with.
1:45- I'm told that my foot is fractured and assured that a doctor will see me soon. Megan hopes it's a hot doctor. I hope we get to leave by 2:30.
1:50- Both mine and Megan's phones die... great. Stranded in the middle of the night at the hospital with no phones.
3:00- Finally, finally, after 7 hours, the doctor finally sees me! They bring me crutches (that's a whole other problem) and wrap up my foot in some fiberglass cast thing. As he's wrapping my foot the (not hot) nurse goes, "Aww you hurt your foot so badly that it turned your toenails pink!" Now there's a joke that would have maybe been funny 5 hours ago. Actually, that's a lie. Still wouldn't have been funny then, but I may have fake laughed. Megan and I just glared at him.
4:00- Megan and I return to PC.
Now, I'm sure you feel like you were there with us after reading that long story about our EIGHT HOUR trip to the emergency room. What happened to cause this terrible injury??
I walked out my front door. And somehow fell down that first little step. Seriously.