To top it all off, the Victoria's Secret fashion show is on (Emily: "How much do you think those wings weigh?" Me: "How much do you think those girls weigh?!?") So I took a break from trying to decide how many days of consecutive not eating it would take for me to look like one of those models to look at something a little more meaningful...
I've been reading a lot in Romans 12 lately. Verse 2 has been popping up EVERYWHERE lately it seems... like seriously, every person who I hear speak, everything I read, this verse has been all over the place, so I feel the need to mention it:
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world any longer, but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- His good, pleasing, and perfect will."
I think that a lot of seniors (myself included... obviously) are so concerned about next year and what God's will for our lives is, but we get so caught up in all the applications, schoolwork, and our own ambitions that we get burned out and can sometimes forget to go to God for that renewing of our minds. I think that, for me at least, when I haven't spent that time praying about it and reading my Bible and experiencing that renewal, my vision of God's will gets clouded by my own desires. So right now, during this crazy time, a big challenge for me is to continually seek that renewal so that I'm not conforming to the craziness of this time... so that I can experience clarity and feel more confident about God's desire for my life.
Also, I've been focusing on Romans 12: 9- 21 lately as well. I haven't made it through the entire passage yet, as I'm trying to break it down by verse. But here are the ones that I'm currently being most challenged by:
"Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good" (v. 9)
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all" (v. 17)
Yeah, it's sometimes hard for me to "hate what is evil"... to really dislike the things that separate me from God enough to remove them from my life. But I think that this is a challenge worth taking, because God is good, and I want this goodness in every part of my life. Also, the importance of not repaying evil has been made abundantly clear to me over and over again over the past several months. I think that the beauty of God's grace is so awesome that it's worth at least attempting to share with everyone... and I mean EVERYONE!!
Have a fabulous Wednesday (and stay dry... if you're in Clinton!)