that when one door closes, another opens. Recently, a door closed for me that I've been praying about for some time. I knew that it was not the right thing for me, and that was confirmed for me last week. I'm really excited to see what doors are going to open now though...
Also, the following conversation that I overheard between two male students at lunch made me laugh today (keep in mind... THIRD grade):
First student: What are you doing this summer? I'm going to Canada... in Canada the seasons are opposite! Like it's going to be snowing there even though it's summer. Because it's their winter during our summer! (ehh... not exactly)
Second student: Really? Well I'm going to North Carolina! I'm going to go to the beach and then come home and spend some time with my girlfriend.
Me: Girlfriend?? (Keep in mind, 3rd grade boys are not usually quick to admit to even liking girls) You have a girlfriend?!
Second student: Yeah, just in the summer...
First student: I heard she likes someone else in another class! That's what she told a girl on my bus!
Second student: Yeah, she said she doesn't like me. But my dad said that when girls say they don't like you, it means they really do. RIGHT, Miss Derrick?
Me: Uhhhh... I don't really know about that...
Poor kid. I feel like this logic is potentially setting him up for some future disappointments... After this conversation I kind of wanted to organize a class viewing of "He's Just Not That Into You." Except I guess it would be She's just not that into you.
Have a terrific Tuesday!