My Senior Year

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Randomness

I don't really have anything exciting to blog about, so here's just a few highlights of my life:

- So, yesterday my devotion was on Mark 6:31, which says, "Come by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile."  Well, I was quick to take that as an excuse to put all of my school work on pause, and I have been lying around doing nothing all last night/ today.  I stayed in bed until 11 this morning, which if you know how weirdly early I get up on a daily basis, this is a big deal.

- Not sure if I have mentioned this on the blog, but my car has been hit twice within the past few weeks.  By two different people, in two different parking lots.  Talk about confusing for the insurance companies!  One of the insurance companies sent a rep out to look at my car this morning, and he could not for the life of him find my house!  (I will say, it probably didn't help that I wasn't completely sure of the address here... BUT all my mail goes to my student box!  I have no reason to know the townhouses' address!!!!)  So this guy calls me at 8 this morning (on the one morning that I was actually still asleep at 8) and he can't find the house.  You know how when you first wake up your voice sounds terrible?  Yeah, so I was trying to sound somewhat awake/ enthusiastic and give this poor man directions.  He finally found my car, and hopefully they will pay for my bumper to be replaced!

- I finally got my camera back, and just HAD to share my favorite pictures from homecoming (/ my only pictures from homecoming)!

It's my whooooole diamond family!  Well, 5 generations anyway!  

I just love it when this happens!  PS- sorry for the mess in the back corner... I swear that was the ONLY messy part of my house that weekend (and it WOULD have been captured on film)

- I'm looking for some good boots... I've been looking EVERYWHERE and cannot find something I like.  Well, actually, I have found these that I like...

... but they're a little out of my price range, at $398.  They're Coach... and precious.  See, all the boots this season have that little heel on them... I really liked last season's boots that were more of that flat/ wedge-ish heel... which I have now spent 20 minutes trying to find a good example of online, but I cannot.  But you probably know what I'm talking about.  So if anyone has any suggestions of where to go to find some good, cute, (more importantly, cheap) boots, please let me know!

Ok, well that's all for now... have a fabulous weekend!

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