My Senior Year

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm so excited!!

This is going to be such a fun week in the third grade! First of all, I'm doing a lesson on character development using one of the cutest children's books I've ever seen. It's called Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. Basically, it's about the idea that everyone has an invisible bucket (self-esteem) that's either full or empty, and it talks about the importance of filling other people's buckets with compliments, kindness, etc. It is PRECIOUS! After we read, we're going to "fill each other's buckets" by writing nice things about each other on post-it notes and sticking them on buckets that I'm running off for each student. I really do think that things like this are important, especially for kids. Words are powerful, and I personally want my classroom one day to be a place where children not only hear kind words, but frequently use them to build each other up.

I'm also teaching about the American Revolution this week. That should be interesting, considering that I don't know THAT much about it, beyond what's in our social studies book. But for real, I'm excited about that too. With the help of my cooperating teacher, I've got a variety of activities that will hopefully make this unit more exciting and fun for students, which I'm not going to bore you with here. Never did I think I'd see the day that I'd be so excited to teach about the Revolutionary war haha. I am honestly just so thankful that student teaching is going so well; I really do LOVE going to school everyday!

Ok, on another note, I saw this in a bookstore the other day, and now I'm really wishing I had
purchased it:
It's a book of quotes. I LOVE quotes, especially non-cheesy ones. Very rarely do I see something and not buy it, only to wish I had. It's usually the other way around. But I've been thinking about this book ever since I didn't buy it at Urban Outfitters, and I'm currently wishing that I had it in my possession.

LAST THING. Random fact, but I love fortune cookies and fortunes. And my fortunes almost always come true. (Whatever, it's not like I can count on my horoscope these days!) For example, a few months ago I was eating at Miyo's, and I had been pretty stressed about several things for awhile. My fortune that day said, "Contentment is just around the corner for you." And it was! Yesterday, I got a fortune that said, "Prepare to receive something special." So I'm prepared!! I wonder what it could be! I've decided that I really want a nook (partly because it's trendy, and partly because they make really cute Lilly cases for them.) So maybe it's that. Or maybe I'm going to win the $10,000 Target gift card that I entered for. I don't even know! But I am excited. I also got one over Christmas break that said, "You will meet the person of your dreams." So that should be happening soon too, ha!

Have a fabulous week!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that you're having such an awesome experience in your student teaching!
    Those 3rd graders are very, very blessed to have YOU!!!
    Have a wonderful week! (Hope at least one of your fortunes will come true! tee hee!!!)
    Love you!
