Anyway, with one week and two days til graduation, here are some junior year pictures:
Junior year was fun because it was the year that SARAH came to join me at PC. Here we are moving her into 4th floor Clinton. Special times and short hair...
That time we dragged our (pumped) diamond families to the ADPi house at USC.
KG especially loved it.
As much as these two hated on my bump-its, they were more than willing to wear them. Y'all look pretty :)
Now here's a random picture that I found that really has no explanation. Roommates before Dukes of Hazzard. Not sure what all is going on here, BUT it does feature our sweet adjoining rooms in Grotnes!
(Normal one)
So much excitement for Sarah to join ADPi!
And my protege, Callie, became an ADPi as well. Exciting!!
A few things to say about this picture: 1. That's a LOT of brown and blue. 2. This picture is the only reason why I know that Nancy owns/ has ever worn a pair of khakis. 3. That face!! (and 4. Sorry.)
Spring break. Also, as I was going through my SB10 pictures, here's something I noticed:
Note how Nancy's white button down that she wore on the first day evolved into her jacket for the entire trip. SPECIAL.
Lots of Lilly at Carolina Cup
MD Tea
Black Diamond. I did Link's hair. I prefer this picture to...
The ebony and ivory-ness of this picture. Although the quality's not as good on the blog, rest assured that Sarah's 30234908 trips to the tanning bed made me look pretty pasty at the function. Obnoxious.
To everyone whose current facebook status is something like: "DONE with junior year! Not ready to be a senior!!" or "Junior year's over :(" or "Not liking the fact that I'm a senior" all I have to say is, at least you have one year left!!!! So, I'll leave you with this:
Here's to our prettiest year at PC! Happy beach week everyone!