My Senior Year

Monday, April 18, 2011


With all my newfound free time since I'm DONE student teaching and DONE with college, I just figured I'd update my blog a little! First of all, may I just say how awesome it was to sleep in this morning after waking up at 5:15 or 5:30 for the past 15 Mondays. It was also wonderful to sit out on the beach today knowing that I had no responsibilities waiting for me whatsoever! While I REALLY REALLY want to find a job, I'm not going to lie, it's kind of nice to have nothing that I feel like I need to do or prepare for. I know that once I find a job, I'm going to busy myself with finding a ton of stuff for whatever grade level it is, so right now I am enjoying the downtime. Speaking of teaching and jobs, Friday was my last day of student teaching. I hated to leave those kids and the school that I've grown to love over this past semester. I know now, however, that teaching is absolutely what I want to do and what I'm supposed to do next year. When I worked at camp last summer, the counselors each had to tell "grace moments" at campfires throughout the week-- times in our lives when we have felt the grace of God. Well, on my second-to-last day of student teaching, I definitely had a grace moment thanks to one of my students.

In our classroom, the students had to move their number when they misbehaved or forgot homework or whatever. There were like 3 different levels that a child moved his or her number down, and each level entailed something different (laps at recess, time out, etc.) Anyway, during like my 2nd or 3rd week, when I was just starting to teach for extended periods of time, my cooperating teacher told me that I needed to set my expectations and move numbers any time a child didn't follow my instructions in order to make a point and show the students that I was serious when I told them to do something. So one day, I was teaching, and I let the students work in groups. When I tried to quiet the class and bring it back to whole-group instruction, one girl didn't stop talking right away. Since I had just told them to be quiet, I told her to move her number. Well. At this point, I had never seen what happened when the number got moved all the way down to the last level (appropriately labeled "Ohhh no" on the board.) I found out quickly, as she began to bawl. I hadn't even looked at the board to notice that her number was teetering on the 2nd level already. So I told her to move her number and the whole class gasped a collective intake of air. A few of the boys said "ooooooo" under their breaths, and every child in that classroom looked at me like I had just killed someone. Of COURSE the first time I have to learn what happens when a child moves their number all the way is the time that I inadvertently do it while just trying to "make a point." So anyway, after she stopped crying, reading was over and it was time for indoor recess. The child whose number I moved was the helper that day, so I asked her if she wanted to call a game of 4 corners. Bad idea. The tears started again as she said, "I can't call any games because my number is moved all the way!" Crap, crap, crap!!!! It was never ending! I really did feel bad about the whole thing, although I did have to make her move her number kind of a lot throughout the rest of my time teaching. Anyway, so on Thursday, the kids all started talking about how my last day was the next day. This same child who I'm sure disliked me at several points throughout the semester, came up to me and gave me the biggest hug and said, "Miss Derrick PLEASE don't leave! My life is going to be terrible when you're gone!!!!" First of all, dramatic. But second of all, I was kind of shocked to hear that come out of her mouth, and I was appreciative of the redemption that had obviously been granted to me by this child who I had spent a lot of (not so pleasant) time disciplining.

So now that I'm done, I'm job hunting. I'm looking/ am in the process of interviewing with 4 different districts across the state and PRAYING that something works out. I know where I'd choose if I had the choice, but I don't want to put that on my blog in case it doesn't work out. I know that my plans are nothing compared to God's plans and that in the current job market, I'll be lucky to get any job, period. As I was told in an interview today, "The door doesn't open too wide for early childhood majors right now." However, I KNOW that this is what I'm supposed to do, so I can only trust that the right door will open up for me. I'm praying that I can put my desires aside and focus on where I'm being called and where I can be best used.

Sorry this has been so long! Have a fabulous week; only 6 days til EASTER!!!

1 comment:

  1. O Anna!
    I can't quite take it in that you have actually been at PC 4 whole years!!!!
    You will be richly blessed by trusting completely in God's timing and in His placement for your 1st teaching position. Yes, teaching is most definitely your gift, so there is a very special place for you.
    I, too, have my fingers crossed for a specific district, but we certainly don't know the whole picture.
    Glad you're enjoying SB(?) this week.
    Got your invitation last week and was so honored!
    Talk with you soon. Keep me posted!
    Love you!
