If you're a girl in college, or really anywhere in the 20- 25 age range, I would definitely recommend this book. I can absolutely relate to her... I am the queen of making plans (not saying I'm awesome at sticking to them.) I have to have my planner on me always, and I've been known to write out my entire day by times that I'm going to do each thing (I kind of stopped doing this, though, when Sarah made fun of me because my planner looked "like a hair stylist's book")... hater. I'm guilty of having my "life list" as well. I think that I've probably had the same "plan" since... oh, high school? This book points out how we put so much of our hope and identity into our desires for our lives, and when our lives don't go exactly as planned, we tend to freak out/ break down/ lose our identity. Here's a quote from the book that I like:
"I spent many empty years pursing my List, believing the lie that if I could just attain all the little check marks, then I would be fulfilled. Here's the truth: There is never enough. There is always just a little more to be accomplished, achieved, or acquired. The dogma of our time tells us that through consuming, we will find happiness: consuming relationships, consuming possessions, and, ultimately, consuming glory for ourselves. Ironically, the secret to life is not found in consuming but in being consumed-- consumed by a passion for God and his glory that overflows in our lives like a mighty rushing river."
I love this book because it challenges me to seek Christ and His desires for my life first, instead of pursuing my own desires. This book has pointed out to me where a lot of my own hope has been misplaced, and where it should actually be placed-- in the Lord.
Anyway, I can't say enough good things about this book! It's so optimistic and encouraging, and it's a very quick read! I'm almost done, so if anyone would like to borrow my copy... just ask! Have a fabulous Friday!
I'd like to read it next! Let me know when your done.