So about this time last year, we decided that Spring Break '10 was going to have to be our BEST trip EVER... it would have to be awesome enough to make up for the fact that Megan and I would miss Spring Break '11 because we would be taking our spring breaks in March or April with our kids, instead of at the end of February like crazy people PC likes to do. See, every year Spring Break has been the coldest week of our lives. 2 of our years in college, it has actually snowed during "spring" break. So, we decided that the only way to avoid this would be to peace out of SC and go somewhere more tropical. We found this sweet deal on a cruise (only like $300 a person!)

We were sooooooo excited about our cheap tropical getaway, and we couldn't wait for hot, pretty weather so we could get TAN!!
News Flash: it's still cold in the Bahamas on March 1st. It's also their windy season.
So windy, in fact, that our boat didn't even get to go everywhere it was supposed to due to high winds and rough seas. We spent 3 days in Nassau. We did EVERYTHING you can do there. Twice.

Did you know that if you go to Atlantis on an "excursion," you can only go into the "aquarium" (aka lobby)? Just a heads up.
Impressive... SO worth the $15! (not)
We tried to lay out...
... but it was just wayyyy too cold and windy!!
So we enjoyed some indoor activities.
We also loved all the meals and buffets. I mean, it's not like we were spending any time in our bathing suits, after all. Have y'all ever heard that cruise lines supposedly match you up with people to sit with at dinner? Well, I have, and I'm really interested to know what Royal Caribbean thought that we had in common with these people...

Interestingly enough, once we returned to land we realized that one of our own dinnermates is practically a celebrity!!!

(The girl 2nd from the back left in the group photo is coincidentally a Hydroxycut model... too bad we didn't know at the time, otherwise we would have DEF asked for diet tips over dinner... it would have also given us a whole lot more to talk about.)
Also, that group picture represents the 8 people on our cruise that were under the age of like 75. Because you wanna know who sails in late February/ early March? Old people.
Other highlights of the trip include:
- The time the plumbing on the entire ship quit (including sinks, showers, toilets, everything...)
- The fact that our room was on the very bottom floor of the ship... the combination of the location + the rough seas= nights of us barely being able to stay in our beds due to all the rocking!
- The quality entertainment/ shows... especially Megan's personal favorite, the magician. Let's just say this boat was in it's last year sailing, and the performances reflected that.
All in all, we paid $300 for this trip. I'd say we got what we paid for... don't get me wrong, even though it was SO NOT our dream vacation that we had planned, we did still have fun. We just had fun inside... at the buffet... with the 80 year olds.

And the waiters.
Happy December, everyone! Good luck on exams!
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