My Senior Year

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can you believe...

...that tomorrow is the last day of January?!?! For all the PC people, spring break is in only 26 days! (Yes, PC spring break is always freakishly early.) Obviously I won't be taking their spring break this year, but still! Where has this school year gone?! This time last year, we were all dieting and making paper chains (ok, maybe I was the only one making paper chains) in anticipation of SPRING BREAK '10! Crazy that it is almost that time again!

I'm happy to report that strep throat is on its way out of my life, and I'm apparently no longer contagious. I wish I had some fun weekend story to report, but I spent my weekend in bed- sleeping, doing school work, and watching movies. And eating cough drops and ice cream. GOOD TIMES.

Also, all my friends have been hating on me because they said that all my hair pictures from 2 posts ago looked the same. (Whatever, they don't) but anyway, these may give you a better idea:

June 2009... aka that time I got bangs. Ahhhhh!!!

Christmas day 2010... despite the fact that I don't appear to have eyes, I think it's HIGHLY obvious that my hair is WAY longer now.

Since I know everyone is so interested, here's what we're doing in third grade this week:

We're learning about prefixes and suffixes in spelling, and each student will have a letter bag with the prefixes and suffixes in different colors. They will make the words as I make them on the SMART board with the fridge magnets. Now I know no one really cares about this (unless you're a 3rd grade teacher... so maybe my mom cares ha!) BUT I figured that this would be a good way to document some of my ideas just in case I need to use them in the future and forget or something.

Well, the season finale of Bridalplasty is coming on now. I hope that everyone has a fabulous week!

Friday, January 28, 2011

weekend FUN!

First of all, let me share my favorite quote of the week. One of my kids (one out of half of them, that is) was sick this week. When he came back to school yesterday, his book from his book order was on his desk. I asked him if he felt better, and his response was: "Yes ma'am, I'm feeling better. I feel GREAT now though, because my SCHOLASTICBOOKORDER is here!!!!!!" It's the little things. Ten minutes later: "Miss Derrick, this is the best book I've ever read in my WHOLE LIFE! This is the best book in the history of the UNIVERSE!" Love the enthusiasm ha!

Unfortunately, as all of my kids have gotten better, I've gotten sick. After a quick trip to the minute clinic today, I confirm I have strep throat. However, seeing as how both strep and the stomach virus have been going around my class, I think I lucked out as far as which one I ended up with. So just to make you all jealous of my exciting weekend plans... right now it's looking like me, strep, and my assessment plan. FUN TIMES!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Opinions, please!!!

I really need advice. On something really important...

... my hair. Specifically, what I should do with it. Throughout college, my hair has had some interesting transformations, as pictured above. Now, I want you to scroll through this series of photos of my hair at various lengths and offer any advice or opinions as to what I should do with it. I'm kind of wanting to cut it because it's driving me crazy. But at the same time, I've spent a lot of time growing it out. I just don't know!

So now would be the time to offer a comment, suggestion, or even a text with the number of someone good who can do something wonderful with my hair! Now, my blog gets like 50 views a day. So I KNOW more people than just Blythe and Callie read it. :) So if you've been stalking my blog for awhile, what better way to identify yourself than to give me some good hair advice?! Please and thank you.

Lots of love!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm so excited!!

This is going to be such a fun week in the third grade! First of all, I'm doing a lesson on character development using one of the cutest children's books I've ever seen. It's called Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. Basically, it's about the idea that everyone has an invisible bucket (self-esteem) that's either full or empty, and it talks about the importance of filling other people's buckets with compliments, kindness, etc. It is PRECIOUS! After we read, we're going to "fill each other's buckets" by writing nice things about each other on post-it notes and sticking them on buckets that I'm running off for each student. I really do think that things like this are important, especially for kids. Words are powerful, and I personally want my classroom one day to be a place where children not only hear kind words, but frequently use them to build each other up.

I'm also teaching about the American Revolution this week. That should be interesting, considering that I don't know THAT much about it, beyond what's in our social studies book. But for real, I'm excited about that too. With the help of my cooperating teacher, I've got a variety of activities that will hopefully make this unit more exciting and fun for students, which I'm not going to bore you with here. Never did I think I'd see the day that I'd be so excited to teach about the Revolutionary war haha. I am honestly just so thankful that student teaching is going so well; I really do LOVE going to school everyday!

Ok, on another note, I saw this in a bookstore the other day, and now I'm really wishing I had
purchased it:
It's a book of quotes. I LOVE quotes, especially non-cheesy ones. Very rarely do I see something and not buy it, only to wish I had. It's usually the other way around. But I've been thinking about this book ever since I didn't buy it at Urban Outfitters, and I'm currently wishing that I had it in my possession.

LAST THING. Random fact, but I love fortune cookies and fortunes. And my fortunes almost always come true. (Whatever, it's not like I can count on my horoscope these days!) For example, a few months ago I was eating at Miyo's, and I had been pretty stressed about several things for awhile. My fortune that day said, "Contentment is just around the corner for you." And it was! Yesterday, I got a fortune that said, "Prepare to receive something special." So I'm prepared!! I wonder what it could be! I've decided that I really want a nook (partly because it's trendy, and partly because they make really cute Lilly cases for them.) So maybe it's that. Or maybe I'm going to win the $10,000 Target gift card that I entered for. I don't even know! But I am excited. I also got one over Christmas break that said, "You will meet the person of your dreams." So that should be happening soon too, ha!

Have a fabulous week!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


One of the biggest things that I've learned so far in my student teaching process is how valuable TIME is. I meant to include this on my list of things I learned my first week in third grade, but I must have forgotten in the midst of the snow craziness. Anyway, I have learned so much about using time wisely, and specifically, I've realized how much time I have WASTED in my college career.

Example: Today, I got up at 5:30 as usual and went to school. Obviously, I was there all day, and then I had a faculty meeting after school. Once that was over and I got my things together, I had a 40 minute drive home, which put me back here about 5:15. Since I've been home, I've written 4 lesson plans for next week, showered, and I even have extra time to write in my blog before I go to bed at 10! (This is actually really exciting for me.) Point is, over my last few semesters, I could have easily spent days on these lesson plans because I wasted so much time! I'm cringing now thinking about all the times in college when I said I had "so much to do," when in reality, I didn't have that much to do, and I had ALL DAY every day to do it, except for the like 4 hours a day that I was in class. I'm seriously wondering what I did with all of my time. As I've been forced to cram all of my work into this 5-hour window between the time I get home and the time I go to bed, I'm realizing that if I would have used my time more wisely in the past, I could have gotten my work done so much faster, done so much better on my assignments, and ultimately had more time to spend doing whatever else I wanted to do.

I blame facebook. I haven't gotten on facebook at all today, which is probably how I've been so productive. However now I'm watching My Strange Addiction on TLC, which includes a girl who is addicted to eating couch cushions and a girl who is addicted to wearing character costumes, and my productivity is rapidly decreasing.

Have a fabulous night!

Friday, January 14, 2011

My world has been rocked...

Well, kind of. Apparently, all the zodiac signs have changed! All my life, I've thought I was a Leo. Allegedly, I am now a Cancer, which does NOT sound as nice!! Supposedly, as a Leo, I used to be an independent diva. Now as a Cancer, I apparently value family and have a "strong maternal instinct." Interesting. Though I used to be best matched with an Aries, I'm now apparently supposed to find a Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces? I mean honestly, I really don't get into all of this that much, but it is going to really throw me off when I go to look at my horoscope in Cosmo or whatever magazine I'm reading. Although, none of that stuff ever really came true for me, and I guess now I know why!!

Moving on. Another thing that recently rocked my world was JAPAN, the new japanese/ chinese fusion restaurant in Clinton. I'm happy to say it exceeded my expectations. Think former Burger King-turned-sitdown hibachi, with an extensive Chinese menu as well. It was awesome. I stuck with the Japanese side of the menu, mostly because I figured they'd be strongest on the food that the restaurant is named for. The only thing Japan was missing was heat. It's freezing in there! Here's hoping that Japan is successful enough to stick around Clinton for awhile... or at least successful enough to pay for some heat!!

Also, my six day hiatus from the teaching profession ended today with a half day teacher work day. I'm exhausted from the four hours I spent there today... this does not bode well for next week when I return to the real world!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few of my favorite things... January edition

Snow Day #4. I hope everyone is enjoying my blog updates every 10 minutes. I'm officially bored out of my MIND. Here are a few things I've been loving lately...

1. Dunkin' Donuts coffee- French Vanilla

This is seriously THE best coffee that I've ever made at home. Back in the day (aka, last week) when I used to get up early to go to school in the mornings, this would help me wake up. Now I just make it because it tastes good.

2. Original Scent Tide. Random? Yes. But it is incredibly hard to find these days!

3. Patagonia. The company and their entire line of products. Specifically, this vest, which I am currently wearing. This is the closest to snow clothing that I have:

4. When the people who call in to Regis and Kelly's travel trivia win the trip. Do you know how rarely this happens? Fortunately today, the girl won a trip to Orlando for 8 people! It was a prize valued at $15,000! I was so happy for her... I hate it when the person doesn't know the answer to the question and they just get an Omaha steak gift card or something. Sad.

5. Anywhere in the world where the temperature is over 60 degrees right now. I hear Florida is the only state with no snow on the ground. I guess it's about time for my return south...

I got these monogrammed earrings from Handpicked probably close to a year ago, and they are probably my most frequently complimented jewelry items. They're only $16! I seriously wear mine like every other day, and I'm a HUGE fan!

7. My friend, Anna Lee started a blog!!! You should seriously check out Student Teaching, or if this doesn't work out there's always law school... she's so funny, and I can't wait to read all her crazy stories from student teaching in a high school!

Now I don't want to add this prematurely, but Clinton got a new restaurant, Japan. That's right- Clinton now has a grand total of 10 restaurants (including fast food)!!! They turned the old burger king into a fast hibachi/ Chinese restaurant, which I personally have high hopes for. We're going tonight for dinner... A3 is VERY excited. Updates to follow.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

MADE and Teacher Shoes

So I'm using snow day #3 to catch up on one of my long-lost favorite shows: Made. I LOVED me some MTV in high school... Date My Mom, Next, Super Sweet Sixteen, Engaged and Underage, all that trash. But my favorite BY FAR was Made. I loved nothing more than a good Made marathon, and I wanted to be on that show. What I wanted to be made into, I have no idea. (For the record, my close second fav would be True Life, specifically the Staten Island one and True Life: I'm A Southern Belle... I would have gladly been cast in that episode as well, HA!) Anyway, so I'm watching Made for the first time in about 3 years, and let me just say that my love for this show is quickly coming back to me.

Now, I always loved the pageant episodes, where those random beauty queens (like Miss Greater Charlotte or something like that) would help some girl win her school pageant. Those episodes were the most dramatic- they always had the most tears due to the random tasks like "ask that really popular boy out on a date" BUT there was always a really good makeover involved, so I enjoyed those. Well, the episode I'm watching now is this little high school kid who wants to win his school's man pageant. Though this episode is involving a lot more working out to the point of throwing up (sick) and a lot more rapping (it's for his talent), it's still pretty good. 3.5/5 for sure.

In addition to watching Made, another task I'm working on during unproductive day #3 is researching good teacher shoes. I know that this is significantly less interesting than Made, but it has to be done. I naively thought that I could make it through this semester wearing flats. I would have been incorrect. Recess is what kills me; I'm cold natured anyway, and sitting outside in 40 degree weather sockless is not fun. Therefore, I'm taking any suggestions for comfortable shoes that are professional looking and cute and that I can wear socks with.

Oprah seems to think these are a good idea, and I have to agree:

I love a good monogram, and I like these shoes, despite the fact that the soles are a little crazy. Nancy disagrees, but when you're with only kids and women all day every day, your definition of "cute" broadens. Danskos are another option, but they're not super cute in my opinion. SO if anyone has any suggestions (remember I'm only 21), I'd love to hear them!

My 3 Snow Days

So Greenville county schools are now on snow day #3. I literally have GOT to get out of this house. I haven't done this little since... I can't even remember. Here's a little rundown of our days being snowed in at A3:

Monday: Nance woke us all up before 9:00 (weird). We ran outside and took pictures and played in it. Well, I didn't really play in the snow, mainly because I didn't have the proper attire for this cold weather (see below)

A3 had lots of visitors, and we drank hot chocolate and watched Bridalplasty and the news all day. I started to catch up on the Office season 5, and Nancy made us all taco soup for dinner.

Tuesday: We didn't get out of our pajamas alllll day. The snow turned to ice, which is much more dangerous to walk in and significantly less fun. We cooked a big breakfast and watched Millionaire Matchmaker. Then, we started weeds season 5. Rob made us dinner, and Emily and I watched Pretty Woman. Exciting times...

Wednesday (today): PC started back with a delay. I still don't have school. I didn't wake up until 8:00, so I know it's getting bad (since I'm officially out of my habit of waking up at 5:30.) I stayed in bed til 10. Our parking lot is covered in ice, and I'm dreading clearing off my car. However, I have GOT to go somewhere today... I'm considering sitting in on a PC class (haha, not really... that'd be so weird) just to go somewhere! I'm starting to realize what my life would be like if I weren't student teaching this semester.... and it's not that great! I'd just be sitting around watching wayyy too much reality tv and eating. Therefore, I am very ready to get back to school! I've loved this three day break of sleeping and hanging out with my friends, don't get me wrong. I know I may regret these words in a few weeks, but I want to go back! I miss my students. I miss having things to do. I miss seeing more than the inside of this house! Plus, I can't help but constantly think how behind we're getting in school!

Megan just came in and informed me that it's getting down to 15 degrees tonight... PRAY that somehow this ice will go away before then or something and we can have school tomorrow. The snow was fun on Monday, but I'm ready for it to be gone now. I can't imagine living in like Minnesota or somewhere where this is a regular occurrence. This is why I will be staying in the south after college... where this rarely happens.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top Five Things I learned in my first week in third grade

5. School lunches still don't appeal to me. Apparently chocolate sherbet is a "side item" that can be served with anything from yogurt to fish sandwiches.

4. Francis Nicholson was the first royally appointed governor of SC. DEF didn't know that. You'd be surprised at all the stuff that you learn in science and social studies in third grade that you've forgotten.

3. There is apparently a market for classroom workout videos. I learned this when one was broadcast over the school news channel the other day. Seriously, the set is a classroom (duh), with bulletin boards and desks and everything. There's a fun 20-something year old girl that leads these "aerobic" workouts with a multicultural array of kindergartners and middle school-ish looking kids in the background. And some of my kids LOVE it and freely add their own personal twist to the routine. I was dying in the back of the room watching it all.

2. I can apparently pass for any age between 18 and 30. Didn't know I was so versatile!! Also, never in my life have I gotten so many compliments on literally every item of clothing or jewelry that I wear. Seriously, if you want a self-esteem boost, 3rd grade is the place to go!

1. Snow days are just as exciting for teachers as students!! Thanks to the what I'm guessing is about 6 inches of snow outside, we have NO SCHOOL today! (Hence this blog post!) How awesome it was to sleep until 8:30, sit down and have my coffee while watching the Today show, and hang out with friends that never see me these days due to my student teaching schedule.

Pictures will hopefully follow soon!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Hump Day!

(^This is the type of thing you hear all day in an elementary school, and I probably heard this phrase no less than 8 times today.) But we're over halfway through my first week of student teaching! Woo hoo! I'm happy to report that so far, it's going great! Love my placement, and surprisingly I've been able to drag myself out of bed at 5:30 every morning to be on the road by 6:30. Lots of coffee is involved in this process. Teaching is HARD WORK though... never have I ever been so amazed and appreciative of all the work that my teachers and my mom did and continue to do. Crossing my fingers that I get in bed by 9 or 9:30 tonight at the absolute LATEST!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

"You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance." -Psalm 65:11

Happy New Year! Typically New Years does not rank too high on my list of top holidays, but I can't help but to be excited for all of the things that God has in store for 2011. This is the year that I graduate from college, start having old person birthdays (21 was the cut off), find a real job (maybe? hopefully?!?!), and who knows what else! I'm excited to see what this year holds.

Speaking of new things, tomorrow is my first day as a student teacher!!! And in honor of that, here are a few quotes about education:

"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows" -Sydney Harris

"To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks" -A.A. Milne (the guy who wrote Winnie the Pooh)

"Education is not filling a pail, but the lighting of a fire" -William Butler Yeats

Say a prayer that this goes well! I have my teacher clothes laid out and my lunchbox ready. Although I'm definitely going to miss the days of waking up at 8 or 9, watching Regis and Kelly, and spending the afternoons lying around and watching tv, I'm excited to spend my days with third graders! I'm also really ready for my roommates to come back because PC is empty right now. As I drove back up here today, I realized that this is the LAST time I'm starting a new semester of college! Crazy...

Also, I'm watching Bridal plasty right now, this new reality show on E!, and it is super weird. It seems to be a competition between brides who compete in challenges (such as eating gross food... I'd lose) to win plastic surgery for their weddings. Too much.

Ok well, happy 2011! Sorry in advance if student teaching hinders my blogging!