My Senior Year

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I'm trying to tone down my jealousy of all my fellow PC classmates who are enjoying a nice week of spring break this week. Typical PC... spring break started on Feb. 26th. Thanks to our weirdly early spring break, my friends and I always enjoyed some not-so-warm spring breaks.

Freshman year, aka the warmest year, my (current) roomies and I went to the beach in SC. That year, we got mediocre tans. That year, I also learned that you can't put dish soap in the dishwasher. Twice.

Sophomore year, it snowed during our spring break. Again, we went to Charleston.

Note the turtlenecks, jackets, and scarves. It was COLD.

One of the most awkward photos that my friends have ever taken...

By junior year, we'd learned our lesson about SC temps in March and decided to outsmart the weather by taking our spring break south on a cruise. As you may have read, that didn't work out for us. Again I say, freshman year in Charleston was the warmest.

Well, it's PC spring break time again, and what do you know... the one year that I'm not getting PC's spring break, it's almost 80 degrees outside on February 27th! So all you pc students who are enjoying this nice week of no school and freakishly warm weather... enjoy it! And bring me back some sunless tanner please!

Friday, February 25, 2011

My sweet ride...

So my car's totaled. SAD DAY. I really loved my little Camry. Anyway, Enterprise sent over something awesome for me to ride around in for the time being...


But for real, that's my rental car. Just thought I'd make everyone jealous with this sweet ride!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Now that I'm student teaching, I think about my life in terms of weeks. When I write all of my lesson plans, I save them as "Math 2-21-11" or whatever, based on the Monday date. Well, this past week in my mind was 2-15-11 (because I didn't count Monday since we had a field trip.) ANYWAY, point is, 2-15-11 was a crazy week.

It started on Monday in ADPi Bible study. We're reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love, which I've heard sooooo much about, so it's good to finally be reading it. The chapter we did on Monday was about love- not only God's love for us, but also our love for God. Appropriate, given that it was Valentine's day. We went through some verses, including the commonly referenced Matthew 22:37 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind."

It's one of those verses that I feel like I've heard and sung about a lot, and it's easy to be like "duh I love God...", but it really made me think about how lately I feel like my relationship with God has been focused on trying to be obedient, and trying to fit time with Him into my "busy" life-- not on my love for Him. So it was kind of an "oh, crap" moment for me.

Fast forward to Wednesday morning. I was driving to school. For those of you who don't know, I have about a 40-minute commute to my school everyday. Something that I've been getting really excited about lately is the fact that it's starting to get light outside just as I get to school now. I always disliked the fact that my 40 minute drive in the morning was made in the dark, so I'm LOVING the like 15 minutes of light that I get these days. Anyway, I was driving, and I was listening to a Passion CD. The song "Awakening" came on. Given my realization earlier in the week, the lyrics were appropriate:

In your presence, in your power, awaken me
For this moment, for this hour, awaken me
For you and you alone,
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

Well, just as the CD got to the part of the song that says:

"Like the rising sun that shines,
From the darkness comes a light,
I hear your voice, and this is my Awakening"

the sun came up and 385 was illuminated all around me. It was seriously the coolest thing ever. It was a reminder of God's faithfulness and his presence in the minute details of my life, even when I'm guilty of putting my relationship with him on a back burner.

Well. Thursday, I was driving back from school (seeing a pattern?) with two of my fellow student teachers. I was traveling down 385 in the left lane, and the car on my right started to merge into my lane. I could either stay where I was and get sideswiped/ pushed off the road, or swerve. So I swerved. I swerved off onto the left shoulder, which was a slight drop off the road- enough to make me lose control of my car. I swerved back onto the road, and by that point my car was all over the place- I seriously had no control over it at all. After fishtailing for maybe like 100 feet? (I'm terrible at estimating distance), my car spun completely around. On the side of the interstate. I saw 385 spin completely around me. Dirt and grass covered my windshield, and I heard the most terrible noise ever. I braced myself, thinking "This is about to hurt so bad" and realizing that I was heading straight into the opposite side of the interstate. Then, the spinning stopped. Everything was completely still, and I realized that I was in the median, facing the opposite direction that I'd been driving. The terrible noise had been those cables that divide the interstate, scraping my car. Somehow my car was caught between the cables- 2 of them were on the right side of my car, and one was on the left side. I can't tell you how many times I've thought, "why are those even there, how much could they really help?" Well, those 3 little cables saved me from spinning into the middle of oncoming traffic on the other side of 385. All 3 of us were completely unhurt.

All of this is made more ironic by the fact that my cooperating teacher and I had just had a conversation about wrecks that day. Literally the LAST thing that I said to my her before I walked out the door on Thursday was, "yeah, I've never been in a real wreck before, but it's one of my biggest fears because I'm afraid something would happen to my back, and I'd get hurt really bad." (I had back surgery in high school, and my spine is fused.)

So, from this experience I can gather a few things:

1. Never say never- I think that sometimes we get to thinking that we're invincible, and that things that happen to other people would never happen to us. Yeah, it only took me about 30 minutes to retract my statement about the wrecks.

2. I was instantly reminded of John Piper's book Don't Waste Your Life, which I read last year. I had this horrible realization when I thought, "what do I have to show for this past week of my life, besides completed lesson plans and a unit that I designed on the Civil War?" It was a huge reality check for me; nothing in my life is so important that it should take my focus off of my creator and my savior. Furthermore, all of the things that I complained about this past week are SO STUPID. In the grand scheme of things, they don't even matter at all!

3. God is so good. I know people throw that around a lot, but He is. He gives us these beautiful lives, which we gripe about more than we enjoy them. So what have I done with mine this weekend? Enjoyed it. Spent time with my friends and my mom. Read my Bible. Not thought about school at ALL. Will I get to my work eventually? Yes. But it's not my first priority anymore.

"All our praise is focused through Jesus on this incomparably wise God! Yes!" Romans 16:27, the Message

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! This is one of those times that I have about a billion other things to be doing... so this is going to have to be brief. I've decided that I love Valentine's Day. Just thought y'all should know. I heard yesterday morning on the radio that 4/5 Valentines that are exchanged in America are exchanged in an elementary classroom. I believe it. Yesterday was definitely one long sugar-high for my class, but there's something exciting and kind of old-fashioned about decorating white paper bags with construction paper heart cutouts that makes the day feel extra special. One thing I love about elementary school is that no holiday goes unnoticed or uncelebrated. And now, after all my Valentines, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, and (my personal fav), homemade strawberry lollipops, Valentine's Day is definitely topping my list.

And, in honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share my recent fav verses about love:
"Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be
hospitable to one another without complaining. Like good stewards of the manifold
grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever
speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so
with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through
Jesus Christ. To Him belong the glory and power forever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:8-11

I pray that I can have a relationship that reflects the attributes mentioned in this passage with my future valentine!

Also, one last piece of exciting (to me) news: I passed my elementary praxis, in addition to my early childhood one and the PLT. Elementary wasn't my major, but I figured I'd at least try the test since I've had enough hours and my student teaching placement is in 3rd. Basically this means that I can teach any grade in SC from pre-K (no thanks!) to 6th (again, no thanks!) But hopefully this wider range of certification will help me to get a job!

Have a fabulous Wednesday!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

so sorry...

that it has been forever since I've blogged. But it's mostly because a. I don't have time, and b. nothing cool is going on in my life! Still loving school, but it is becoming more and more work each week. Tomorrow we're going on a field trip, so hopefully I'll have a few good stories after that. Let's just hope it's not as exciting as the last one I went on with my second grade practicum class last semester. We went to the zoo, and our bus literally broke down in the middle of the interstate. Now, I don't think I had ever gotten out of a car on the side of the interstate, and it's certainly an experience that I hope never to have again. Especially when 40 second graders are involved.

Anyway, I couldn't resist blogging while watching the Grammys though. All I have to say is:
1. Lady Gaga, what are you thinking? Eggs gross me out, the pointy shoulders creeped me out, and I can't wait until in about 5 years everyone realizes how freaking WEIRD that egg thing was.
2. Justin Beiber is starting to look older than 14. It's the new hair.
3. I don't understand why everyone has to do weird stuff/ wear weird stuff at the Grammys. Like, is all this supposed to be artistic? Maybe I just don't appreciate art, or MAYBE, just maybe, all this attention-getting hair and clothing really is just bizarre. Like Nicki Minaj's cheetah thing.

I did, however, love Katy Perry's Valentines thing. Happy early Valentines Day to each of you!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


... a child compared me to Francis Marion. As in the Swamp Fox, the Revolutionary War hero from South Carolina. I'm going to take that as a compliment, since I had just introduced the word "legendary" to the class, in reference to the Swamp Fox. Ha!

It was also the 100th day of school. Here is a list of what my students would buy, given $100. In no particular order: an iPad, an iPod, an iPhone, a new Blackberry, a dog, a bigger bed, some ice cream, a limo, a 64" TV, some chains, a pool, a year's subscription to some video game, and of course, save some. Because you'd have quite a bit left over from your $100 bill after all of those purchases!

Have a FABULOUS Friday!