My Senior Year

Monday, March 21, 2011

They say...

that when one door closes, another opens. Recently, a door closed for me that I've been praying about for some time. I knew that it was not the right thing for me, and that was confirmed for me last week. I'm really excited to see what doors are going to open now though...

Anyway, I have 4 weeks left of student teaching/ college! This really sank in the other day when I was talking to Sarah about what stickers to put on my new car. (oh, yeah... did I mention I got a new car?!?!) Anyway, she said, "Why don't you just wait four weeks and get a PC alum sticker!" WEIRD!!!!! Still haven't decided... part of me wants to get a normal PC sticker and continue to pretend I'm still in college. And THEN there's the whole "letters/ no letters" debate... guess I should probably be mature and not put them on there? Important decisions, I know.

Also, the following conversation that I overheard between two male students at lunch made me laugh today (keep in mind... THIRD grade):

First student: What are you doing this summer? I'm going to Canada... in Canada the seasons are opposite! Like it's going to be snowing there even though it's summer. Because it's their winter during our summer! (ehh... not exactly)
Second student: Really? Well I'm going to North Carolina! I'm going to go to the beach and then come home and spend some time with my girlfriend.
Me: Girlfriend?? (Keep in mind, 3rd grade boys are not usually quick to admit to even liking girls) You have a girlfriend?!
Second student: Yeah, just in the summer...
First student: I heard she likes someone else in another class! That's what she told a girl on my bus!
Second student: Yeah, she said she doesn't like me. But my dad said that when girls say they don't like you, it means they really do. RIGHT, Miss Derrick?
Me: Uhhhh... I don't really know about that...

Poor kid. I feel like this logic is potentially setting him up for some future disappointments... After this conversation I kind of wanted to organize a class viewing of "He's Just Not That Into You." Except I guess it would be She's just not that into you.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Until I have more time on my hands...

Sarah is ready for my lesson on the Civil War!!!!

Also... this Union soldier hat (and the Confederate one that BETTER get here tomorrow) + the 2 kids' Civil War books that I express shipped from Amazon set me back $53. Can't wait til I actually get paid for this!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent, etc.

1. I gave up facebook for Lent. Blythe changed my password and everything. No fb for me for 40 days!

2. I tried to give up sweets, but I ate 3 girlscout cookies earlier. I'm going to try again tomorrow.

3. PLEASE email and vote for ADPi to be their next sorority print. Despite the fact that I'll be an alum by the time it ever comes out, you better believe that I'll be buying one of everything! (fingers crossed that I get a job/ paycheck to do it with)

4. I'm fulltime teaching now, and it's taking over my life. List of things I SHOULD be doing: making schedules, updating my portfolio, coming up with some sort of cute radius/ diameter activity (maybe involving cookies?), and reading Pepita Talks Twice. Whatever that is...

5. Due to #4, I've been lying in bed since 8:15, and I don't think I can get out.

6. I've got a really funny/ slightly inappropriate story from school that I probably shouldn't post on the internet... but if you ask me I'll tell you in person

7. TG (tomorrow's) F! Seriously....