My Senior Year

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hey now, this is my desire...

So I've been listening to lots of Needtobreathe this afternoon as I've been trying to do some of this school work that has suddenly piled up.  Unfortunately, the downside to having no Friday classes is that it makes me extremely unproductive from Thursday afternoon- Sunday.  I've been ignoring my color coded to-do list all weekend!  I keep reminding myself that this is my last semester of college classes EVER, as I'll be student teaching next semester.  The thought of student teaching is scary, but not as scary as the thought of having my very own classroom a year from now (hopefully)!  But for now, I'm enjoying all things PC, like Mallard Ball this past weekend...

My diamond family before Mallard Ball... Yeah, Sarah and I are wearing what I'm assuming is the same dress, even though she added to hers to make it cuter.  Whatever.


I even tied an orange ribbon around my boot to decorate it and make it more festive, although unfortunately there are no pictures of that!  Aside from Mallard Ball, A3 spent our weekend trying to pull this house together a little more.  Nancy helped Emily and I paint these monogrammed canvases for our room.  Yet another reason why I love living with an art major...

Eventually, I'll post more pictures of our townhouse once everything is completely put together (which it almost is).  But for now, I'm on the second color of my to-do list...

Porch lights that Nancy put up + sunset in our backyard (aka the intramural field)

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