My Senior Year

Monday, October 11, 2010

I heart Fall

So usually I always say that summer is my favorite season... and I do love the hot weather (I'm crazy, I know), FOURTH OF JULY (my second fav holiday), beach trips with my fam, laying out, and of course my birthday.  However, this past summer, which was spent in Florida, I had enough of the hot weather to last me... oh, probably the rest of my life.  Seriously.  Spending, like, 75% of my time outdoors in the heat and humidity really made me ready for some cooler weather.  Therefore, I have decided that Fall is officially my new favorite season.  Here are just a few of the things I'm currently loving about Fall:

1.  Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks.  I'm pretty pumped about the return of my favorite seasonal drink!  I've had one almost everyday I've been home for fall break... probably not the best choice financially or nutritionally, but these things only come around once a year!!

2.  Going along with the above picture, my second favorite thing would be fall nail polish colors.  I know this is a really random "favorite thing"  but I'm a fan.  

3.  Candy Corn... and those pumpkin things that are kind of like candy corn.  If pumpkin spice lattes are my favorite seasonal drink, then I guess candy corn is my favorite seasonal candy (except for Easter candy, which tops the list, but that's another post)

4.  The State Fair... which I love mostly for the food because, let's face it, I refuse to ride those rides.  I'm pretty much against riding anything that is regularly taken apart and put on the back of a truck and driven around the country.  But I love the caramel apples and elephant ears.  Last year, my roommates and I went together, and unfortunately I don't think they were as enthusiastic about the fair as I was.  I have high hopes for this year, though, and I feel confident that they'll grow to love it as much as I do!

5.  Pumpkin desserts... now I'm realizing how much food is dominating this list, which is probably a bad thing.  But I basically love anything pumpkin flavored, especially Nancy's chocolate chip pumpkin bread (hint, hint, Nance)

6.  The return of pashminas... although, for me they never really left since I'm a big fan of summer scarves.  But when you're in South Carolina, and especially Florida, people think you're crazy for wearing summer scarves.  So I'm excited to bust out my solid pashminas and not be judged for wearing them!

7.  FALL BREAK... seriously, PTL for fall break.  I can't think of a time in my college career ever when I've been so ready for fall break.  This year has been even more fun since Kate came home with Sarah and me!  I've personally loved spending the past three days lying around my house doing absolutely nothing except for watching TV and drinking pumpkin spice lattes.  I wish that it was longer... I could use an entire week.  Unfortunately the massive amounts of work I brought home to do with me remain largely untouched.  I've only written one paper and one lesson plan... that should probably change like now.  I keep finding better things to do... like blogging.  And bidding on e-bay, which I've never done before.  I think at this point, I'll do just about anything except school work.  8 more weeks...

8.  Cooler mornings... which I get the joy of experiencing on my 8:00 days.  I actually hate being cold in the mornings, BUT I look at this as an opportunity to bust out the patagonias, so it's going on my list.

9.  Fall flowers (random, I know, but I think mums and pansies are pretty)

10.  The fact that it officially becomes socially acceptable (to me and retailers, at least) to count down until Christmas... only 10 1/2 weeks!!

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