My Senior Year

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Card Drama

So every year, the Christmas card is a huge source of controversy in this house. Mainly because Sarah and I can never agree on a picture that we consider to be good of both of us. Well, this year was no exception. We took a bunch of pictures in front of the tree, and then my mom gave me her camera to go online and make a card. Well, I sat down in the living room, and said, "Sarah, come over here and help me with this." She didn't. So I ordered the cards. AFTER I had placed the order and went to give my mom her credit card back (keep in mind, Sarah was sitting in the room the whole time I was doing this, showing it to my mom, getting the credit card, etc.), Sarah freaked out and wanted to see the card that she "didn't know" I had made. She is not happy with my decision. That's actually an understatement... she's stomping around our house demanding to know if we can cancel the order. Dramatic. I would post the picture for you here, but since it has become so controversial I will not. Sarah has threatened to get me back with the Christmas letter. So, don't believe any lies that you may read about me in there. Just a heads up.


  1. I don't tell lies in the letter. It's all about what I reveal.

  2. You 2 are making me wet my panties!!!!!

  3. Haha ya'll are too funny! I can't wait to get my card in the mail!!
